Booster Committees - Volunteers Needed!

Homecoming Float Committee:

Banquet Program Committee:
Responsibilities include arranging for

Responsibilities include gathering 
flat bed, making signs or decorations

information from the coaches, creating
and decorating the float.

and printing the program and delivering

them to the banquet.

Homecoming Tailgating Committee:

Responsibilities include arranging meal

Senior Night Committee: 
for the players (usually pizza, drink, &

Responsibilities include making
flurries), setup and cleanup in BHS 

arrangements for recognition at the
parking lot.

designated home game (may include

special performance of National Anthem),
Trophies Committee: 

arrange for senior gifts, decorate
Responsibilities include contacting existing
field and create Senior program 
sponsors by letter, phone or in person to 

highlighting this year's seniors.
renew sponsorship.  Order trophies, pick up

trophies and deliver to the banquet.

Concession Stand Managers:

Responsibilities include organizing 
Banquet Committee: 

volunteers, opening and 
Responsibilities include gathering menu 

setting up the items in the concession
prices from area caterers, present

stand in preparation for the game's
options to the board, finalize arrangements,
parent volunteers.  Once the concession
and decorate banquet hall.

stand workers arrive, you are done for

the evening.  

Videographer (2): 

Volunteers needed to videotape the home games

for the boys' and girls' teams.

Equipment provided by the boosters.